Vendor Application
General Vendor Information
1. Completion of the Vendor Application and payment must be completed order to set up.
2. All checks for fees are payable to Mercer County Fair.
3. Do not overlook listing any special needs on your application.
4. You may park near your Fair location for unload or reload, but please only park vehicles in the designated parking areas during the Fair.
5. We locate on school grounds. No drugs, drug equipment, alcohol, smoking or profanity.
6. Set up day is July 31, 2025, from 2pm until 7 pm. If you need an alternate arrangement, you will need to notify us before July 20.
7. Passes are given specific to your application allowance. Additional passes are available through the Fair. Please make these arrangements prior to the Fair set up date.
8. Please clean your vendor area before you leave.
9. Spaces are assigned by need- example-we have only certain spots we can get electricity--- This is why applications must be very clear about your needs.
10. We welcome your comments or suggestions. Email is info@mercercountyfairwv.com.
11. We cannot guarantee requests made the week of Fair.
12. It is up to you to distribute arm bands to your staff. Gate cannot do this.
Click on the form to download and return by mail.
If you plan to serve food at your booth, you will need to complete additional paperwork for the Mercer County Health Department. You can access those resources by clicking here.